February 23, 2025

Bookmarks for August 6th through August 9th

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These are my links for August 6th through August 9th:

  • Social conservatives on steroids – “And if the Republican strategists are even halfway competent, Republican congressional and senatorial candidates should be able to ride the twin horses of the Soebarkah administration’s economic incompetence and the Defense of Marriage Amendment to a landslide victory in the fall. But then, as John McCain demonstrated so ineptly in 2008 when he rushed back to Washington to support TARP and sink his presidential campaign, one should never assume that the Republicans will play to win.” — So far, the Republicans have stayed away from this issue, though one wonders why. If people can come out in great numbers to pass gay marriage bans, you would think this would help to get more people to the polls, if there was something they could do. Not sure that there is until the Supreme Court rules, and maybe that’s what they’re waiting for.
  • Marcela Hoeven Bikini Scandal? : The Other McCain – (Warning: North Dakota’s Governor’s daughter, Marcela, in a bikini at this link) Should the fact that there are photos of a Republican candidate’s daughter in a bikini be a family values question for an elected official?
  • The Obama presidency increasingly resembles a modern-day Ancien Régime: extravagant and out of touch with the American people – Telegraph Blogs – We can only hope that this is true, and that President Obama will be reigned in by the coming tidal wave of libertarian/constitutionalist principles: “There is however a political revolution fast approaching Washington that is driven not by mob rule but by the power of ideas and principles, based upon the ideals of the Founding Fathers and the US Constitution. It is a distinctly conservative revolution that is sweeping America and is reflected in almost every poll ahead of this November’s mid-terms. It is based on a belief in individual liberty, limited government, and above all, political accountability from the ruling elites. The Obama administration’s mantra may well be “let them eat cake”, as it continues to gorge itself on taxpayers’ money, but it will be looking nervously over its shoulder as public unease mounts.”
  • Time to admit Obamanomics has failed | Washington Examiner – Everything that Obama has tried has proven that he’s doing the exact opposite of what needs to be done: “The economy is stalling, unemployment seems stuck at European levels of idleness, the federal deficit and the national debt are at historic highs, public confidence in Congress is at its lowest-ever level and big majorities of Mainstream Americans say Obama has the country on the wrong path. Obamanomics has failed miserably and it’s time for everybody in this town to admit it so we can move on.”
  • Converting Pi to binary: Don’t do [email protected] – Here’s a funny one for you: “WARNING: Do NOT calculate Pi in binary. It is conjectured that this number is normal, meaning that it contains ALL finite bit strings.”
  • Lemonade stands get reprieve: Multnomah County Chairman Jeff Cogen apologizes for health inspection shutdown | OregonLive.com – Cogen said the inspectors were “following the rule book,” but should consider that food-safety laws are aimed at adults engaged in a professional food business, not kids running lemonade stands. “A lemonade stand is a classic, iconic American kid thing to do,” he said. “I don’t want to be in the business of shutting that down.”
  • Why Working Mothers Fall Behind – Business – The Atlantic – “For example, let’s redefine the disparity that the studies point out. Imagine there was no classification of men or women, just primary caregivers and primary professionals. Each family with children has one of each. Would anyone really care if primary caregivers didn’t climb the corporate ladder as quickly as primary professionals if gender weren’t involved? Wouldn’t that just make logical sense? If men more often take on the primary professional role, consequently working more intensely and taking fewer vacations than women, then they should be promoted more aggressively.” I never got why people complain about women being paid less than men. I believe that if a lot more women would be concerned with where their biggest impact will be felt (through their children) we could eliminate unemployment entirely…
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