February 23, 2025

Bookmarks for July 16th through July 20th

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These are my links for July 16th through July 20th:

  • Vox Popoli: Mailvox: catching up on history – Was Lincoln really one of the best U.S. Presidents, or one of the worst? There’s big discussion both ways, with those that are behind him being the worst the ones that say that he violated a central tenant of the United States– that the states joined voluntarily and should be able to leave. Check out the end of this post to see what I’m talking about.
  • Vox Popoli: More atheist ignorance – It’s interesting to be reminded that the god of this world is not the Almighty– it’s Satan. Many make this mistake to wonder why bad things happen in this world, or why there is evil, and they blame God, not understanding this simple truth.
  • Vox Popoli: Why scientific evidence is less valid in law – There’s a big discussion in atheist circles about whether or not science has more weight than religion– specifically on the topics of beginning of the world and reliability of the Scriptures. What’s interesting is Vox Day presents 3 great reasons why scientific evidence is less valid than law: 1. Science is dynamic in nature (what is believed today may not be believed tomorrow.) 2. Science is not scientific evidence (Scientific evidence can be tampered with.) 3. Science is not in the business of providing proof.
  • Vox Popoli: Science vs religion: a bet – Here’s the bet: Religion (specifically Christianity) proclaims that “the poor will always be with you.” Jeffrey Sachs in his book The End of Poverty believes that by 2025 there will be an end to extreme poverty on the planet. Who do you think will win?
  • Vox Popoli: The ending of America – These articles are scary, because they reach back to the principles of the government being imposed on us. What do we think of this– is anyone thinking about this? From the article:”The ruling class knows that Americans must learn to live more densely and close to work, that they must drive smaller cars and change their lives to use less energy, that their dietary habits must improve, that they must accept limits in how much medical care they get, that they must divert more of their money to support people, cultural enterprises, and plans for the planet that the ruling class deems worthier. So, ever-greater taxes and intrusive regulations are the main wrenches by which the American people can be improved (and, yes, by which the ruling class feeds and grows).”
  • House Republicans: Bible doesn’t mean we need to care about foreigners | Raw Story – Can we rightfully apply Biblical mandates for the Jewish people to do good to those traveling in their land to the current immigration debate? If so, how far should we go in the application?
  • House Republicans: Bible doesn’t mean we need to care about foreigners | Raw Story – Can we rightfully apply Biblical mandates for the Jewish people to do good to those traveling in their land to the current immigration debate? If so, how far should we go in the application?
  • The Old Spice Social Media Campaign by the Numbers – Don’t know if you caught the original commercial, but Old Spice really had a great ad campaign that just ended– it was pretty good!
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