Overpaid Celebrities Need a Bigger Voice
This is a little bit old, but a terrific video. Who are you listening to when it comes to what’s going on in Washington? Check …
Standing in the Gap in a Society that's Warring with God.
This is a little bit old, but a terrific video. Who are you listening to when it comes to what’s going on in Washington? Check …
Auto Tune—it’s a procedure that can be run to make sure that vocalists stay on pitch. What’s fun is when it’s applied to other people. …
Answers in Genesis is attempting to create the first video Bible—with people reading the Bible into their webcams, etc. The project name is “I Am …
Those that bring children into the world should take care of them. A rather straightforward idea, but one that is against the current culture in …
It’s easy to take a stand against something. The party out of power invariably finds something that’s popular that the party in power isn’t doing …
I mean, how else can you explain the fact that until this moment President Obama (and formerly Senator Obama) stated that the only way that …
We need to make sure that our speech is that which will build up. That’s exceedingly difficult in our current culture. What we say we …