February 28, 2025

Grace, Seasoned With Salt


We need to make sure that our speech is that which will build up.  That’s exceedingly difficult in our current culture.  What we say we believe is no longer a personal belief about a action, but it’s a statement that directly applies to people, and people take personally.

I am against same-sex marriage.  I’m against homosexuality.

I say that freely, but I know that it’s no longer something that I can say and people differentiate it between the sin and the person committing the sin.

One of the tactics of the same-sex movement is to humanize and put face to homosexuals.  They put them in every television program, and portray them as normal people.  They then ask why we want to discriminate against these ordinary people.

They lump homosexuality in with skin color and other things over which people have no control, and paper over the fact that engaging in homosexual activity is a choice.  And they go further than wanting to practice deviant behavior—they want all of us to accept this behavior and give them acceptance.

And it’s difficult to be against this movement and yet for freedom.  It’s difficult to state that you’re against homosexuality and yet have acquaintances and friends that are practicing this.

And yet, just like any other sin, a Christian must take a stand.  Just like we have friends and family that are liars, cheats, and those that drive above the speed limit.   Just as we have friends and family that have divorced, had affairs or have engaged in premarital sex.  We don’t approve of these activities, and yet there they are, standing there wanting acceptance and love.

Christ demonstrated love to the sinner in that He reached out to them.  No one that He touched was left in their sin, He offered a way out.

And that’s what our speech must be.  It can’t always be about condemnations, it can’t be in painting these people in these sins as evil to say that we’re better.  It must be about looking past that to the person.

We must reach the person with the message of the Gospel.  We must pray that our words speak grace, comfort and the love of Christ, but that they do not back down concerning the blackness of sin.

It’s a tough line, and a line I’ve not always done the best I could to walk, but that person—whatever their sin—needs Jesus just as much as you and I.

So for those of us that take a stand on these issues—like Carrie Prejean and others—they must remember this, remember the faces, remember the souls in need.  We need to remember who we were and who we are.  Our frame is weak, and but for the grace of God we would be in the same place.

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