February 23, 2025

Debra Medina and the Tea Party Movement


In 2008, the story was President George W. Bush, and anyone that ran against him was given a distinct advantage.  In 2010, it seems that anyone that runs with tea party support is surprising the establishment.

On the right of US politics, this is big stuff. Instead of forcing mainstream Republicans to woo them for their votes, the rightwingers are now bidding for power. It is an attempt at revolution that could have huge meaning for America and the world, especially given the disastrous showing of Democrats in recent polls and elections. Medina knows this. After her speech she ended with a plea to her audience. “We can win this race,” she said, then held up her hand and squeezed two fingers together. “It is this close.” [Debra Medina, new star of America’s right, is firing up the race for Texas governor– Guardian UK]

I like the idea of new people coming from the private sector into the public sphere because we need new ideas, and these people will be the ones to bring it.

Have we finally had enough of the status quo—are we finally worked up enough to get rid of the incumbents and start over?

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