February 23, 2025

It Isn’t Impossible

Charlotte BairdThe common refrain from the younger generation regarding sexual activity is that it is impossible not to become sexually active.  In fact, it’s usually not a question of if a person will have sex before they are married, but a question of how young is too young.

However, like many things, if we were to set our mind to it, and consider it a worthwhile goal, we could accomplish anything—like Charlotte Baird, who is a virgin at 36.

Before you start criticizing her or making fun:

Even though she’s now 36? A 21-year-old virgin is a pure, unsullied young woman, but a 36-year-old virgin, well, it’s not quite the same, is it?

But Charlotte is not one to be pressured into conforming to perceived norms. She also confounds expectations of what ‘a 36-year-old virgin’ might be like. Charlotte isn’t a frumpy spinster leading a lonely, eccentric life with her cats.

She is an actress turned theatre producer and also works as an artists’ agent. After studying English, drama and theatre at Bedford College she spent three years at an acting school.

The truth is that we all can wait for the appropriate time—within marriage.  The lie is that we cannot control ourselves.  You see, we’re all for telling kids that they can control themselves when it comes to things that we believe they can do.

We tell them that they can wait to go to the bathroom, that they should not interrupt when someone else is talking, that they don’t have to have a snack until dinner, and that they don’t need a glass of water when they go to bed.  We tell them that they have to go to college and get good grades so they can get a job.  We teach them the process of making choices.

But when it comes to sexual activity, parents have decided that they just can’t teach this.  I mean we believe that we can teach them that smoking is wrong, and “just say no” to drugs, but in the area of sexual activity—that’s something fun that we they’re just going to do.

What hypocrisy.

Miss Baird makes the point abundantly clear.  It’s not a question of whether or not you can wait.  It’s totally a question of will you wait.  You have the ability, now take the responsibility.

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2 thoughts on “It Isn’t Impossible

  1. Don’t get me wrong. I believe in abstinence before marriage. But like always, I’m going to point out a few things I disagree with here.

    You say “The lie is that we cannot control ourselves.”

    Let’s see what the Bible says about it: 1Cor 7:9 “But if they cannot control themselves, they should marry, for it is better to marry than to burn with passion.”

    Hmm… it seems God knows that some people lack self control in the area of sexual desire. The remedy as prescribed by Paul is marriage.

    I think that one of the main reasons for the sex outside of marriage trend apart from the growing moral apathy, is the fact that we get married so late in life in America.

    Many think the argument over sex is “how young is too young” but I see it the other way around. How old is too old (to get married)?

    That all being said, I do think we should teach our children to preserve their chastity. I think it should be of prime importance to both genders of our children, and I think we ought to full well expect that they wait for marriage before they engage in sexual activity.

    But at the same time, I think an early marriage makes that prospect more likely to come to fruition, and I think as a parent one of my responsibilities is to help my children find their help meets.

    Arthurs last blog post..Confiscation Through Inflation

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