February 23, 2025

Will Cultural Issues Influence This Election Too?

Young Couple

In 2004, when President Bush won his second term, there was a lot going on in that election.  Multiple states had votes on Same-Sex Marriage and Constitutional Amendments, and exit polling offered a bewildering statistic that created the term “Values Voter.”

Many credited Pres. Bush and his adviser, Karl Rove, with orchestrating the perfect “Get-Out-The-Vote” scenario, by placing the issue of gay marriage (something that a majority of Americans oppose) on a Presidential Ballot—hence inflating the turnout of social conservatives and handing the election to Pres. Bush.


No, I don’t think that McCain stands a chance in California, but it is an interesting state to watch.  Why?  Because the Supreme Court of California legalized Same-Sex marriage, and a recent commercial by San Francisco mayor, Gavin Newsom, have basically told the people “it’s here, deal with it” has made this vote all the more interesting, and much closer than previously reported.


Mark Foley was replaced because, as a homosexual, he flirted with the pages.  He was replaced by someone that claimed he was ethically above board—only to be investigated because he’s in two, simultaneous, affairs.


This is the issue that will not go away.

  • 11 year old with voting registrations? Check.
  • 72 registrations for one person?  Check.
  • Mickey Mouse registered?  Check.

And if fictitious people are donating money to Sen. Obama (which may or may not be foreigners), how can we assure that these people won’t show up to vote too?  I mean, illegals can easily get social security numbers so it can’t be that hard.

I bet that ACORN is really worried about losing funding—as they should.


All of this is not good for Sen. Obama’s campaign.  Say what you will about angry crowds—when it looks like you’re trying to steal an election, and you mix that with other unpopular issues you support, it’s amazing that he’s still leading in the polls.

Or can we trust the polls?  Since some have been getting tighter and others have not?

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3 thoughts on “Will Cultural Issues Influence This Election Too?

  1. I don’t think we can believe the polls. Nine out of ten people I talk to are voting for McCain. Here is the thing though I think a lot more people will vote for McCain in the privacy of the voting booth than are vocal about it right now. If you think about it if you dare oppose Obama you almost certainly are going to be called a racist or shouted down by his supporters. So I think a lot of McCain supporters are being silent and waiting until election day.

  2. Mickey Mouse? Oh, that’s rich! (And troublesome, too!)

    I don’t think we should believe the polls. I think the polls are tweaked by the media to reflect THEIR choice for president.

    And there is a cultural issue at risk: Obama’s opinion on abortion. No, it’s not as “all-encompassing” as the economy or foreign policy, but Christians and conservatives should still vote their conscience and not support someone who is pro-abortion and votes against protection for born-alive babies from botched abortions.

    Rachels last blog post..SOAP: Hebrews 1:3B – His Character

  3. @Meg: I saw the NBC post Debate (3) focus group, and they actually thought Gov. Palin was a bigger negative than Sen. Obama. That being, they thought that more people were not going to vote for Sen. McCain because of her, than Sen. Obama because he was black. I don’t think we’ll know until the election.

    @Rachel: This comment from the dinner last night was one of the funny ones:

    “In case you haven’t been following my opponent’s ‘Get Out The Vote’ campaign, ACORN is helping to register groups that were previously excluded, overlooked and under-served – second-graders, the deceased, Disney characters.”

    And you’re right– there’s a lot to be concerned about. Good thing we know who is ultimately in control.

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