February 23, 2025

Boycott McDonalds?


If you’ve read here for any length of time, you will know that I have many different opinions on boycotts.  Sometimes I have promoted them.  Sometimes I’ve explored it Biblically in context that there is always something sinful being promoted.  Sometimes I’ve used it as a springboard to talk about different topics.  And recently I waded into comments talking about the Boycott on McDonalds.

But should a Christian boycott something sinful?

Yes and No.

I know, great answer, right?  Can’t go wrong there!

Yes, A Christian Should Boycott Something

Taking a stand against sin is always a good thing to do.  You will never find Christ going into a house of ill repute to witness to the people in there, though you will find Him ministering to harlots.

Though Paul says that all things are lawful to him, not everything is expedient—meaning prudent.  Paul may willingly abstain from meat offered to idols, not because and idol is a god, etc., but because it may cause a brother to stumble.

Right now, I’m not getting McDonalds food because my brothers and sisters are boycotting.  That doesn’t mean I have a problem eating at McDonalds, or if you choose to eat there—that’s your liberty.

No, A Christian Should Not Boycott Something

Where does it end?  Do we just choose to boycott those things that we think are big sin issues?  Do we just boycott homosexuality or abortion?  What about pride or gluttony?

Take a look at what has traditionally been viewed as the Seven Deadly Sins:

  • Gluttony
  • Fornication
  • Avarice1
  • Sorrow
  • Anger
  • Discouragement
  • Vainglory
  • Pride

So, we could conveniently put “Homosexuality” in with all fornication.  But that leaves us with an unsettled feeling.  I mean, we now have a culture and a whole bunch of television shows and movies promoting fornication.  If we’re serious about boycotting McDonalds because they send money to a homosexual cause, should we also be boycotting theaters and unplugging cable because of their support of not only homosexuality but fornication?

“But wait, MIn”, I hear you say, “McDonalds is sending funds to these causes, trying to organize and promote them!”  To which I say, if Hollywood had not made homosexuality an acceptable lifestyle, McDonalds would never have sponsored them.

And what about the rest?  How about boycotting the All-You-Can-Eat buffet for allowing or encouraging gluttony?  Any takers?  How about an organization to combat gossip, being a busybody, or invading someone else’s privacy?  How about a group committed to stopping people from seeing their own glory?  Man—some bloggers would have problems with this, since a lot of “branding” includes talking a lot about yourself.

The truth is, when it comes to sin, Christians are all ready to get up in arms over sins they aren’t committing or aren’t tempted to commit, but if it comes to a sin that they have near and dear (the “lesser sins”) then we have to excuse that one.

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  1. Insatiable greed for riches; inordinate, miserly desire to gain and hoard wealth. []

6 thoughts on “Boycott McDonalds?

  1. Wow, I had not even heard of this controversy (I guess I need to come out from under my rock). Just out of curiosity, what organization is McDonald’s supporting?

    You are right on about boycotting the “lesser sins.” There are not many who would stand for it.

    I especially liked your point about Jesus ministering the the harlot.

    I think the question is how far do we/should we take things? I mean, if you want to really drill down to things that are offensive to God, you could make an issue over grocery stores/Walmart/Walgreens/etc. selling a People magazine that glorifies Brad & Angelina’s lifestyle.

    I will have to get some more information about this in order to form my own opinion.

    Rachels last blog post..Sharing the Lamb

  2. @Rachel: Definitely– you hit exactly on my point. One could boycott stores that serve alcohol if you believe that imbibing is a sin.

    It gets to the question, “Should I expect a non-Christian organization to have Christian values?” Biblically, the answer is no.

    While I believe that the boycott has a noble goal, Christ never called us to force people to do the right thing. Indeed, He challenged people to do the right thing, but never forced them to.

    While the boycott may (if it works) change the outward practices, on the inside it has made more people have negative feelings toward Christians, made them less likely to hear our message of grace from their Creator, and have exposed a little bit of our hypocrisy about sin.

    Like I said in the post, I may refrain to show support to my brothers, but (as I said in comments on the site I linked to) if all they’re doing is boycotting without a positive side to the story, we will have done nothing but made the enemy’s point.

    And that’s scary.

  3. OW!
    Great preaching here, MIn. Honestly, McDonalds has never been a big temptation to our family, so the boycott doesn’t really affect us one way or the other. However, the former Ford boycott for the same reasons, really smacked. Not that we buy new Fords, but we really liked Ford makes. It’s about all my hubby will drive. (Though I do drive a Chevy Suburban!)

    You make a great point. I like to think that I’m doing some small thing to stand for moral issues when I participate in an AFA boycott…but you are so right, we’re not consistent in any way. Our lifestyles are so hypocritical if all we do is participate in the current boycotts. Boo, Hollywood! I am glad to say that TV has lost its appeal to our home!

    Great post!

    Marys last blog post..Summer Magic at the Lake

  4. @Mary: It’s impossible to boycott everything that’s sin and be sane. That’s why I don’t know that that is our mission. I mean, when I think Paul and saying it was ok to eat meat offered to idols, I’m thinking that he’d also say that it was ok to eat meat from a store that supported homosexuality (since, in my mind, idolatry is just as big a sin as homosexuality).

    We’re supposed to be change agents for the inner man, which will affect the outer man. Too many times we have it the wrong way around.

  5. Good point! And yeah, that can hurt. Why’d you bring blogging into it? 😉

    Seriously, it’s impossible to control how other people spend the money you give them. I agree that sometimes a boycott may be called for, but I think it is much more effective to show love to our neighbors.

    Renaes last blog post..Questioning Homeschool

  6. @Renae: I’m not sure what the test would have to be for a boycott. I mean, if you think supporting the worship of false idols, that seems to be pretty high on the sin list if you were to rank them.

    I mean, a boycott in and of itself is not bad, I just wonder if it’s effective for a Christian.

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