February 23, 2025

You Can’t Have it All

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This quote is a good reminder:

You can’t have it all. You are not there to do yourself a favor. You may not have it your way. You opted out of all that when you made up your mind to follow a Master who himself had relinquished all rights, all equality with the Father, and his own will as well. You are called not to be served but to serve, and you can’t serve two masters. You can’t operate in two opposing kingdoms. These kingdoms are the alternatives. Settle it once for all. It is, quite simply, a life and-death choice. – E. Elliot, On Asking God Why

We are called to die daily– to pick up our cross and follow Him.  We can’t tell God that He is Master and Lord, and still say that we are in control of our lives.  We can’t give God permission to do with us as we will, to be His servant, and yet we want to control what goes on, we want to do it buy our means, and under out power.

See a problem here?

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