February 23, 2025

Strength Through the Uncertain Times

Miracle It’s easy to trust God in the good times– where everything is going well, and it’s all going according to how you’ve planned.

It’s the same thing that the Devil said to God about Job– Job loves you, God, because you bless Him.  In the next few chapters of the book we see the Devil take away everything that Job has, and yet Job refuses to “Curse God and die” like his wife suggests.

What do you do when trouble strikes your house and family?  Do you get angry with God or do you recognize that He has a greater purpose than you may know?

It is these times of trouble that our faith in God and His promises must be firm.  It is these times that He’s trying to do a work in our lives.  Think about every great leader in the Old Testament: Abraham, Moses, Joshua, David– they each had a situation where they had trials come, where they had decisions to make and they needed to decide exactly what they believed about God.  Faith, tried by fire, is more precious than gold to God.

How do you handle trouble?  We’re promised trouble in our lives.  We’re told that trouble sometimes does a better work on us than times of prosperity.  It is through pressure that we see who we really are.  Are you anchored for the times of trouble?

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One thought on “Strength Through the Uncertain Times

  1. I like Chesterton’s quote: “Jesus promised his disciples three things–that they would be completely fearless, absurdly happy and in constant trouble.”

    I’m pretty blessed – I really tend not to worry about things. Hubby is the exact opposite – he worries about everything.

    I’d love to hear some others’ ideas about how to trust God in tough times.

    AGs last blog post..Shout to the Lord

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