February 23, 2025

Stop Dating the Church

praises 5 We all know them, and some of us are them– people who attend a local church but refrain from becoming members.  Sure, we claim that we have our reasons, we don’t want to make the commitment, it’s a serious, business, etc., but the reality is that your refusal to join a local body states to the body you’re regularly attending that something is wrong, and that you choose not to unify with them.

Bethany at Something Greater reviewed Josh Harris’ book, Stop Dating the Church!: Fall in Love with the Family of God (Lifechange Books) and had this to say:

He expressed so many Biblical points within a tiny little book, Stop Dating the Church. He covered so many important topics, from the reason why we should be committed to a local church, to the importance of humility in leadership, and things to remember when choosing a church.

So, take the time to find a church, get committed to that church and become a member of it– to encourage those that are there, to share the burden of the people, and to be submissive to the Lord.

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3 thoughts on “Stop Dating the Church

  1. MIn, I’m in the middle of this book now (along with four others which are also good) and this book is fantastic! Let’s step it up, church! This isn’t a social club, this is a family!

    AG’s last blog post..Fireball

  2. You’re right, AG. I think that too often we’ve changed our churches to become just that– social clubs. No challenge to do better, no personal accountability, and little emphasis on the need to live holy lives. I pray that God will cause this generation to see what they’re missing and want Him more.

  3. Yeah, and how powerful can a social club be against a very real and powerful enemy? (I just finished reading “Adam” by Ted Dekker. Very eye-opening book about spiritual warfare.) A social club will be more inclined to keep feelings from being hurt than to admonish fellow believers. A social club will prefer to have fun instead of prepare for battle. I think it’s accurate to say the cushy, western church looks nothing like the serious underground churches held where Christianity is illegal.

    AG’s last blog post..Fireball

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