February 23, 2025

How I Got Engaged

I’ve started a new meme over at Weekend Kindness asking “What’s Your Story”– How you got engaged.  Since I started it, I think that it is only fair that I share my story as well.

The funny thing about my engagement is that there’s an official story and multiple side stories.  You see, from pretty shortly after we started to date, Virtuous Blonde and I believed that we were the ones for each other.  We talked about getting married shortly after we had started dating– whether it was because of my break up six months ago, or just because we believed we were the right ones for each other.

So, I had purchased the ring in December.  At the time, I was still living in my parents’ house, and she was attending a community college close to where I worked and was attending my church.  We were seeing each other regularly, and the first time that I truly asked her to marry me was Jan 1, 2001–the first thing after the new year hit (she was spending the evening with us).  Of course, that wasn’t the official time, because I wanted something more special and my family wasn’t totally on board yet.

So, I waited until the anniversary of the day we started dating, in February right next to Valentines Day, and I came into her apartment after work to take her out and I got down on one knee and asked her if she would marry me.  We were both dressed up so we went out to eat Chinese Food– her favorite so you’ll have to ask her– before taking her back home and announcing it to our friends and family.

The neat thing was that we were able to share this with the church at the Sweetheart banquet we were attending at the end of that week.  We were in the “soon to be wed” category.  We were married in June of that year, so needless to say there was a lot that happened in a short period of time.

Here are the three bloggers I’d like to nominate:

  1. Meg Logan
  2. Rebecca
  3. Colleen

Here’s How it Works:

  • Copy the link to this image (hot – linking is fine by me!)
  • Write your story of how you got engaged.
  • Select 3 bloggers that are married or have gotten engaged and let them know that you want to know their story.
  • Make sure you link back to this How Did You Get Engaged post.
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8 thoughts on “How I Got Engaged

  1. Rebecca– I don’t know how old you are, and a good gentleman doesn’t ask. 🙂

    Revka– Well, there was still some hold out that the messy break up would resolve itself, they liked her better. Now everything’s peachy, though.

  2. Great story! I really love the ones about couples that seem to know right at the outset that they’re meant for each other. 🙂

    Chinese food, huh? 😉 So as the good hubby, do you pick up take out very often and surprise her with it?

  3. I’m glad to hear that your family loves your wife now; in-law relations can be hard enough with having to deal with actual dislike as well.

  4. Pingback: Talk About It » Blog Archive » How I Got Engaged

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