February 23, 2025

What We Learned Today

Open Bible
It’s amazing the different avenues that God’s Word is being proclaimed and yet the promise stands firm– God’s Word does not return void. It seems that every day there’s something new to learn either about God or about ourselves– the way God sees us.

So, I was sitting down the other day, watching the latest VeggieTales episode (VeggieTales – Moe & The Big Exit) when I got to thinking a few things that I hadn’t thought about before.

The things that I learned coincided with the things that were shared by the Evangelist we had at our church a few weeks back– and that still resonate with me as I mull over them in my head.

The biggest thing that I can’t “get” completely is that God is active and He wants us to work with Him toward a goal. Well, I can understand that part, but finding out what God is doing is not always easy– at least it’s not always evident to me. I know that He is at work saving souls– and I need to be out there witnessing what He has done in my life– but the bigger things, how do I know what He is doing in even the lives of everyone that will read this post? Do I know what His total purpose for this blog is– or is this blog helping in His work?

It’s important to be where God wants us to be doing what God wants us to be doing– and that means joining with Him in the work of bringing sinners to repentance.

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