February 5, 2025

Would You Place Yourself in This Position?

It is a commonly understood concept that he who has the biggest debt forgiven is usually the one that is the most grateful. This concept is biblical and practical. It is at those times where you don’t know where your next meal is coming from, where you will be able to spend the night, or what you will wear that you are the most reliant on someone else and tend to be the most thankful when you receive it– right before you go back to living just as you had before!

My question is, should we seek to put ourselves into these kinds of positions?

What do I mean? My mind is trying to come to wrap itself around two concepts:

  1. Our ability to learn to trust God is strengthened by adversity and by exercise.
  2. Our society is constructed in such a way that we can be comfortable in trusting self to supply needs rather than God.

If the first and the second is correct (and I’m not attempting to get into any kind of logical argument here), should we seek to put ourselves into places where our faith can grow by opting out of things that are benefits in our societies? Or, said slightly differently, should we set aside temporary safety for the chance to grow our faith? And to what degree?

The other problem that I’m mulling through on this topic is, to what extent is God’s provision of our current abundance something I should be a good steward of rather than seek to have less? I don’t believe that current provision is necessarily a problem as long as we consider the source, but I do wonder whether Christians get sucked into their well paying jobs and see that as the place where they put their faith, instead of God.


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5 thoughts on “Would You Place Yourself in This Position?

  1. I have one question: Does the Word of God instruct us to seek to minimize our blessedness so that we can grow? (If so, where?)

    And one comment: God placed us where we are and He has known the end from the beginning, so our perfect and infinite God is able to place us where WE need to be.

    My anser then is an emphatic, “No.”

  2. I would not be so emphatic, but I agree with Larry. Though I do see the value in giving up somethings which are strictly for comfort… I don’t think that the Amish have it all wrong. I can certainly see how choosing to live with fewer possessions and fewer technologies that ease work load can help us and are not necessarily a form of “minimizing blessedness”. I think it depends on what you call blessed and what you are beginning to see as a curse instead.

    For me, I doubt I will ever choose to own an extravagently large house, even were I blessed to be able to afford it. I think that living without certain things in favor of providing that extra abundance to the church or for God’s use in some way is a blessing too. But here we really have to be careful, because it isn’t the STUFF, it is how you use it, and if you choose to make it an idol. For example, I know people who are gifted in hospitality, and the Lord has blessed them with a large house, which He fills. Should they not have a large house on the premise that “large” is just too much?? Certainly not.

    This is a heart issue. If you are noticing areas where your “blessedness” is causing you to covet, or be an idolator, then it isn’t truly a blessing is it? Then it is a curse. Change your heart or get rid of the gear/situation.

    Just my thoughts,
    Mrs. Meg Logan

  3. In my own life, I’ve been very humbled by this and put into both situations.

    I grew up, not wealthy, but having very comfortable homes, my needs always met, never worrying about clothing, food, bills, etc.

    Our children have grown up differently and I think it has been better for them and made them better individuals. We have always had a home and we have paid our bills. But there have been times when prayer and relying on God were the only way we still had a place to live, money to pay bills with and food to eat. My husband has always worked hard outside the home and I have been a stay at home mother, also working hard. That is what we decided when we were married. I would not change any of it. But we have had some rough times and our children have seen it and been part of it. They have prayed and seen friends drop off food for our family. We have needed transportation at times and people have given us cars. Those are just a couple of examples.

    My prideful self that thought I would never have any debt or struggle financially, that it was all basically within my control has had to have an overhaul over the past 20 years. Believe me…I asked God for this, and He accepted. But, our children are much more prepared for the real world, the struggles of living and I think they have a much better understanding of what life is really about. And it isn’t what kind of a house you live in, how much money you make or what kind of car you drive. It is about your relationship with God and your family, how you interact with others.

    So, I figured out in my own life, that when I was willing to be tested in this area, God helped me out. He taught me how to turn to Him in time of need and not look to myself or my husband to provide. Yes, God does bless some people with wealth and of course they should use that as unto the Lord. As Mrs. Meg Logan said, you can open your house up to others. You can give graciously or provide food and clothing to those in need. But those of us that don’t have the wealth or have had to struggle can still be a light in the world and a testimony to others. We can give of ourselves and our time.

  4. Deborah… That is precisely my point! *grin* GMTA….

    So be ye wealthy or be ye poor, all to the glory of God. Now that isn’t an exact scripture, but there is one very similar to that. Whatever means we are granted by the Lord it is all His and to be used for His glory. He bestows certain blessings on certain people, whomever He chooses. And I think we also need to get our heads around the idea that not everything that looks like a blessing IS one, and not everything that looks like a curse IS one.

    Being poor is not a curse. It is a different sort of blessing, the rewards of which are reaped differently from the rewards of financial abundance. We all could use a little reminder about that once in a while. To know that only what God calls a blessing is a blessing and it is ALL to His Glory.

    Mrs. Meg Logan

  5. I do not think there is anything biblical about creating hardship simply for the sake of having to trust Christ more. At the same time the Holy Ghost is constantly working within us to perfect us as Saints and as we walk with Christ we will move closer towards biblical ideals. As Deborah points out sticking to an idea,l e.g. a wife staying home with the kids, can very frequently in the process create “difficult times”. God always comes through in these times and the fruits of the spirit are evident as you walk through them, but sometimes the road seems tough.

    As a result, my question to you MinTheGap… Has the Holy Ghost been working on you in a specific topic that prompted this article? If so, what has He been working on you about?

    Creating hardship in your life to draw you closer to Christ is almost like starting a fight with your wife so you can bond when you make up. In some senses you are saying you do not appreciate the blessings that Christ has given you. Yet, if God is asking you to give up things to be closer to Him, only positive things can come from that.

    Think back of King Saul in the Old Testament. He was told by the prophet Samuel to utterly destroy a city and every living thing in it. Instead he slaughtered everything of no value, and took the choice items to “offer as a sacrifice to God”. Was God happy with his choice? Not at all. God prefers obedience over sacrifice.

    1 Sa 15:22 And Samuel said, “Has the Lord as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices, as in obedience to the voice of the Lord? Surely, to obey is better than sacrifice, and to heed than the fat of rams.

    Likewise choosing sacrifice is pointless unless asked of by Christ.

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