February 23, 2025

Pro-Life: The Next Generation

The battlefield for morality is played in the future, not in the present. We see many things that are being decided and we wonder where they are coming from, but we forget that those that hold the levers of power now are children of a time that encouraged “free love” and other such things. We are reaping what was sown.

Teen GirlFor some time now, those that would have a more permissive, more pluralistic society have been sowing these thoughts in practices in the minds of children for decades now– ever since they tried to kick God out of the school. What replaced God was the humanist agenda and beliefs, and we are reaping that.

The problem is, the monopoly has been broken, and no clearer is that seen than in the Pro-Life movement. It’s true that the number of children born to pro-life parents is far greater than those born to pro-abortion parents, but that doesn’t account for the overwhelming support of life seen in the next generation. What you are now seeing the results of is, in part, thanks to an abstinence based education. To say that it is the only factor would be naieve. Certainly there diseases, and the abstinence plus movement does has some contribution. That said, it is getting harder and harder for a pro-abortion mindset to exist because there is pressure from every angle.

You see, parents, you may not have that big of an impact now– personally. You do have an impact through your children and the children your children touch. You have an impact with your morals, your beliefs, and what you will tolerate. Your values are multiplied through your children– and are a direct result of how many you have and how you raise them.

What the Pro-Life movement should teach us in their success with the next generation is just how powerful reaching kids can be and that we should be more careful about those whom we trust their education and upbringing.

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9 thoughts on “Pro-Life: The Next Generation

  1. Certainly. Homeschooling was something I had never heard of growing up in Australia. I learned of it and see it now that I am in America. My wife was homeschooled. I guess I struggle with this thougt: How can an untrained teacher (parent) properly educate a child? I use the word un-trained only in the context of formal teaching training (University Degree for example). Parents are certainly capable of teaching their children their beliefs, morals, etc. But can they effectively teach them trigonometry? Or Spanish? Or English? You get my point.

    I think of myself as decently educated, and somewhat successful. I’m fortunate to work from home as a consultant, so I could potentially play a big role with my wife in home schooling. However, I fear that I would personally let down my boys by failing to keep up with actual education standards. Know what I mean?

  2. Your questions are understandable, the statistics show that the average homeschooled student is actually academically superior to their public school and private school counterparts. I believe this has multiple reasons– and homeschooling people back me up here.

    I believe that one of the reasons is the amount of investment you can place in your child verses a teacher that is not the the parent. You have a vested intererest in your child’s learning and education and as such you make sure that they are getting a concept whereas a teacher has to be concerned about multiple students.

    The next– class size. I highly doubt that you can match a class size of your own children. This has the impaect in older kids helping younger kids because they are all together. It also means more one on one time.

    Next, material. Rather than having to be an expert on the subject, you just have to help a student work through the material– that I would add can be tailored to the student’s way of learning. Public and private schools have one-size-fits-none curiculums that may or may not be suitable to the way your child learns.

    Then there’s subjects. If there aren’t a lot of students interested in music theory in high school, the child has to either fiind some way to do an independant study that’s practically unguided, or they have to go without. If your child that’s homeschooled shows an interest in an area, you can do more work and find more things to do in that area.

    And time does not permit me to go into the better field trips, the time spent bonding as a family with parents being those that get to teach their kids, etc. Especially in your situation where you’re at home, it’d be a terrific experience.

  3. Another good reason for why homeschooled kids are better academically is the fact that there are no distractions to learning, there are no threats to physical safety to distract, there are no clothes or lack there of to distract, and where there are distractions at home, Mother (or Father) can quickly get the family back on track. Further more, kids who learn at home have more time to devote to learning, instead of competeing, or waiting. The parent can teach more quickly, and deeply, because there are no class clowns ruining it for the rest. Neither does the teacher have to go a slow as the average kid, the added bonus there is that of course the slower learner, can learn at his pace too… because they wont just get dropped through the cracks like in schools.

    I would say that any adult with a High School education is qualified to teach kids, even if you don’t have that, you could still teach them, as long as you know how to read and are willing to learn along the way… you can read and learn from it all by yourself!

    And there is the added benefit of the facts that you can actually love and nurture your kids, instead of having them learn in an impersonal way… Im sure most people learn better in that sort of environment. And, you know your child best! No teacher will ever understand your child the way you do. And you know what it is that God may want that child to focus on. Knowledge for the sake of knowledge puffs up, but with charity it becomes a tool for God to use. Not everyone needs to learn the same things.

    If you really are unsure of your ability to teach, buy a curriculum, and FOLLOW it, Bob Jones makes a good one, Abeka, and I am partial to the Trivium, or Classical Christian Education. (though I currently use Bob Jones, since I got it for free.)

    Mrs. Meg Logan

  4. Aye aye to all that’s been said. Plus, if you’re worried about trig, pre-calc etc, get a computer curriculum…there are online tutors available for help, plus satellite schools that you can subscribe to in which your child views a “real” teacher on tv every day at a certain time. BJU has this option for one. Plus they’re accredited if that worries you.

    My girls are always telling me lately how glad they are that we homeschool. We can take our books outside and “do school” while toddler plays in the sandbox, we have the time to explore their rabbit trails to the max rather than hurrying through a chapter of a textbook. Think of how much time is wasted in public/private school. Waiting your turn, waiting in lines, watching movies, etc. We can cover all we need to and our kids still have time to perfect their drawing…and since I mentioned it, how many kids never have the free time to discover or hone their skills/talents in certain areas like drawing? Their time at home is so limited, and the quality is: homework, rush through supper, bathtime, (probably TV in most homes) and then bedtime. That’s just not enough time to impart the values you as the parent need to be imparting.

    I understand your qualms, they are very normal. But homeschooling is made out to be this huge scary job, and it really isn’t. Sure you have to make allowances (your house might not be tip-top b/c of all the science and art projects taking precedence) but it is so worthwhile. I remember thinking of how easily REAL life teaches. My firstborn was doing math at 3 and 4 years old adding and subtracting the number of our horses to the number of the neighbors, fractions are a snap to her because of all the baking we have time to do together…

    I was homeschooled off and on, whenever my parents had trouble coming up with tuition for my private school, and I graduated in the top 8 of my senior class. Had plenty of scholarships available but I’d met the man of my dreams and chose marriage instead. So glad I did. I haven’t found the lack of a college education to be a hindrance to my teaching. If your drive equals your love to read (as mine does), you can self-teach yourself anything.

    MIn-“The battlefield for morality is played in the future, not in the present.” That’s suitable for framing!

  5. Mary, that is another really good point about sending kids to ANY school… they are there so long, and they come home with homework, and there is narry a time to imbue them with YOUR values…

    Mrs Meg Logan

  6. yet? as is from when?? Compared to all of history? I think I would say that is definately NOT TRUE. Gen Y may be more prolife than the previous generation, but they sure don’t beat out the fifties generation or prior to that!

    Come on, it hasn’t always been this way!

    Mrs Meg Logan

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