February 23, 2025

Calling a College Friend

This weekend I called a college friend that I haven’t called in quite a while. A little backstory: He and I were roommates my freshman year. He was a sophomore. We stayed close all the way through college, trying to arrange to be in the same prayer group and on the same floor. Even after he finished, we still did things together, and when I graduated and returned home, we started visiting each other (he, and another mutual friend).

The year after I finished, the other friend and I flew back down to the campus for Bible Conference, the two of them were in my wedding– with this friend being the best man. He’s flown to my house more times than I’ve been to his (and he may be coming up this Thanksgiving!) and we’ve kept in touch that way.

But it’s been hard to keep up via e-mail and calls simply because of how busy we are and the different interests/activities we find ourselves in. He’s single, I’m married with kids, the whole thing. So, he wrote an e-mail last and I knew that I had to call him, so I used the call I knew I had to do as this week’s weekend kindness.

It’s amazing how you can not talk for a while and then talk like nothing’s changed, isn’t it? Same sense of humor, same insight– we’re both a little wiser, I’m sure. In any case, it was great talking to him for eighty-eight minutes (long time!) and I appreciated the push to get it done.

Have a Weekend Kindness to Share?Leave a Comment and we’ll paste your link here:Get the Weekend Kindness code here!The purpose of the meme is to get people motivated to be kind to our fellow men and women and to encourage one another in that pursuit. We all If you participate, leave the link to your Weekend Kindness in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Weekend Kindness with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their Acts of Weekend Kindness.
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2 thoughts on “Calling a College Friend

  1. Pingback: Weekend Kindness » Blog Archive » WK 4: Reach Out and Touch Someone
  2. I like your cute WK sign. I have no idea how to do these things. HTML is foreign to me.

    I have friends that I don’t talk to much, but when we do talk, watch out! You’d think it would make it easier to talk even without many subjects to talk about in common because you do talk so well together. I’m looking forward to next week’s assignment.

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