February 23, 2025

A Boss Gets Some Candy

Well, I had all good intentions of going out and completing this mission this weekend– but if you read my Thursday Thirteen you owuld have seen just how much there was to do, and the budget was already looking grim. So, I wrote in the original description the first time I did this act of kindness– but here’s the second time!

It was shortly after I had returned from Summer camp that year and I was working at a job for the summer. Coming off the spiritual high from the weeks there, I heard that a boss of mine liked Milky Way. So, near the last days I was there, I took a tract and a Milky Way and snuck into his office, opened a lower drawer, and placed ths items inside.

I don’t know if he every figured me out or what he thought of the tract, but it was an act of kindness without thought of what it would benefit me! I realy liked the idea of him not knowing and it being my secret– one that I’ve now shared with you!

Have a Weekend Kindness to Share?Leave a Comment and we’ll paste your link here:Mary

Get the Weekend Kindness code here!The purpose of the meme is to get people motivated to be kind to our fellow men and women and to encourage one another in that pursuit. We all If you participate, leave the link to your Weekend Kindness in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Weekend Kindness with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their Acts of Weekend Kindness. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!

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4 thoughts on “A Boss Gets Some Candy

  1. Pingback: Weekend Kindness » Blog Archive » WK 2: Harder Than it Seemed
  2. Hey, great one! I really wanted to stick a candy bar in one of the “mailboxes” at church (we have a cubbyhole set up for each family) but our budget was also looking grim, and I couldn’t see leaving one candy bar to a family of more than one person! So…anyway…
    I’m already wondering what you’ll have for us this week!

  3. Hey MInTheGap, sorry to just drop off the face of the blogosphere. It was my own fault. I’m very allergic to garlic and onions and made something for my hubby that just smelled too good to pass up – and paid the price. Was sick all weekend, ugh.

    Definitely looking forward to next week’s mission!

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