March 11, 2025

Katie Stays Home

Katie CouricKatie Couric is supposed to be the new face of CBS News– but she’s said that there’s one place she did not want go: Iraq.  And rightfully so– she’s a full time mom and on a listening tour.  However, she picked a job that is made famous by people who “go there.”

The first rule of being a good speaker is about character (at least in my speech class).  Knowing about something and being able to tell it in an authoritative way goes a long way to making an impact.  For example, when the Disciples (after Jesus death) were in the temple preaching the religious leaders of the day had a hard time refuting them because “they had been with Jesus.”  The same was true of Jesus– He spoke as one having authority, not  as the scribes.

Katie may choose to stay home from Iraq or Lebanon– and that’s her and her employer’s perrogative.  But you heard it here, should she choose not to get involved with one of the biggest stories of the time she may live to regret it (legacy wise) and she shouldn’t be surprised if more people leave CBS News to find their information elsewhere.

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