February 23, 2025

Sex Ed: Yes, Bible, No

It’s amazing, isn’t it? If a person doesn’t want their child to hear about homosexuality (a few posts ago) they are thrown in jail, but if they don’t want their child to receive a Gideon Bible– they’re a hero…

Parents of children who attend one London, Ontario, public school are angry because the Gideons wanted to distribute Bibles to their kids. Some fifth-graders received permission slips to take home to their parents: If they wanted a Bible, the parents could check “Yes.” No one was forced to take a Bible. Tom Murphy, cochair of the Lord Roberts School council, argued against allowing the Bible distribution, “Our goal is to maintain that diversity we’ve been trying to get for so long. We don’t want to be privileging Christianity.” (London Free Press, 6/24/05)

Watch out for those Bibles. Kids might get ideas reading them. Now, when it comes to diveristy training bookbags, those are fine.

Oh, and the irony of it: let’s “maintain diversity” while keeping diversity out?

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