February 23, 2025

Looking at Others

Last night’s Bible Study focused on James 2.  The beginning of this chapter probably is a rebuttal to what was going on in the early church.  It seems that the rich– who were also persecutors of the early church– were shown favor either because of their money or because it would stave off the persecution.  James condemned that on multiple grounds, not the least of which was that we are to love our neighbor as our self.

One of the men in my group asked the question that I would ask to you.  He asked who we tend to favor in our dealings.  I find that we naturally have a predisposition to those that are like us– in dress, in education, in church affiliation, etc., and yet our Savior treated all the same.  He showed love to all, healing the wounds of all who were hurt, and providing tough love to the Pharisees.

It brings me back to Matthew 25:40 – And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done [it] unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done [it] unto me.

How do we treat people?  To whom do we choose to minister?  Are they the people most in need, most likely to come to the Savior?

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2 thoughts on “Looking at Others

  1. MIn, I pay attention to those who have a need foremost (secular or a brother or sister in Christ).

    If in a discourse, I pay attention to those who speaks God’s Truth. I’ll weigh the arguments from the secular side, but ultimately, I don’t care what disposition one is in as long what they say is biblical.

    If the Bible is the Word of God, then knowledge stems from those who have meditated on it. Those who haven’t, simply have opinions. They can be valid opinions, but still, they are opinions and not Truth.

    In my experience, I find those who are lacking financially, typically reach out more for God, and I gravitate towards that. They have a deeper understanding of provision and more grateful than those who have plenty. In this, I learn more from them than those who are ‘rich’.

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