July 26, 2024

March 2010 Modesty Carnival

Flower Girl

Welcome to the March 8, 2010 edition of carnival of modesty.

Siobhan McGirr presents Cheerful Style posted at A Christian Mommy.

Feminine Modesty

TPD presents 2010 Prom Fashion posted at Prom Dresses, saying, “Some fashion tips about this year’s prom.”

Modesty of the Heart

Jason Koeppe (Live2Worship) presents How To Hear From God – Hearing the Voice Of God | Live2Worship.net posted at How To Hear From God ? Hearing the Voice Of God, saying, “I’ve become convinced that we often ask God to lay out the entire plan of something and He in His infinite wisdom knows we either can’t comprehend or take it all in and so I believe He revealed to me in my life a simple strategy for difficult times when we are crying out for the full answer or full plan and He doesn’t seem to be complying. I believe sometimes He just wants us to focus on the next step.”

Modesty’s Impact on the Culture

Randy Pope presents A Women’s Revolution for Modest Dress posted at Christian Worldview of History and Culture.

Why Dress Modestly?

Benjamin Simon presents Modesty, like the Mona Lisa posted at In All Purity.

That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of carnival of modesty using our carnival submission form. Past posts and future hosts can be found on our blog carnival index page.

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