February 23, 2025

33 Reasons Why You’re Special

1. You have a passion for the things of God.

2. You are trustworthy.

3. You are friendly and outgoing.

4. You lead our family in doing things to better our walk with the Lord.

5. You never blow up when you are angry.

6. You are very caring and think of others before yourself.

7. You desire for me to stay home with our children. I am very thankful for that!

8. You desire to homeschool our children.

9. You are very knowledgable about computers and the bible.

10. You help with the laundry!

11. You are a great dad who is involved in our kids lives.

12. You make wise finanial decisions.

13. You wear your hair how I like it!

14. You are commited to the things you are involved in.

15. You watch romantic comdies with me!

16. You teach the children patiently the right way to do things.

17. You are content with what you have at home.

18. You eat what I cook without complaining, even if it is mushrooms!

19. You are very musical and we enjoy listening to your singing and playing.

20. You are prepared and think ahead for things.

21. You are punctual.

22. You can always fix my computer problems.

23. You take time to read the news and share it with me.

24. You can write and express yourself very well.

25. You come up with great ideas.

26. You are willing to try new things like camping!

27. You help others when they ask.

28. You have learned a hobby and now have impressed with me by making it a business!

29. You are a great leader.

30. You pray about things and don’t worry about them.

31. You have a sense of humor.

32. You grow your facial hair just for me!

33. Most of all you are special because God gave you to me. I am so grateful for that!


-VirtuousBlonde (MInTheGap’s other half)

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3 thoughts on “33 Reasons Why You’re Special

  1. Happy birthday, and hope you enjoyed it. And good luck with trying to keep track of the 33 rules you now have to live by. 🙂

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