What is Your View of Google?
Over the past month or so, Google has changed the way that it figures one of its metrics that shows how individual sites rank on …
Standing in the Gap in a Society that's Warring with God.
Over the past month or so, Google has changed the way that it figures one of its metrics that shows how individual sites rank on …
Thanksgiving, Christmas, Birthdays– these are all hard days to be a soldier away from home. These are the times that ones want to be with …
Thank you for all of your thoughts and prayers. The family is recuperating, but at the same time there is a lot going on at …
It seems that it never just rains, but it pours. As you know, I’ve been a little under the weather, and although I’m just now …
Welcome to the November 9, 2007 edition of carnival of modesty. My Story MInTheGap presents The Temptations Men Face posted at First Baptist Church of …
Sarai was. So was Rachel. Elizabeth was for a time, as was Samuel’s mother. Samson’s mom was too. I’m talking about having trouble bearing children. …
Methinks that for all of the talk about teaching abstinence as the best policy in “comprehensive sex education” somehow is failing: Study shows CA teens …