February 23, 2025

Elijah Days

longroad.jpgHow far will we go for His glory? Are we willing to be obedient, even if it seems we’re the only one taking a stand?

Elijah lived in dangerous times. One of history’s most villainous couples ruled the land–Ahab and Jezebel. Prophets of Jehovah were persecuted–rounded up and slain–unless they made their escapes to the hills, where they hid in caves.

Elijah’s stories appeal to us because like us, he was just a man wanting to do God’s will, but feeling alone in his culture. This one-man-mission was willing to risk everything to do God’s will. So that God could be glorified.

His first clash with Ahab came when he appeared to announce that until he prayed otherwise, there would be no rain or dew upon the land. Vengeance of God upon those who had declared war against Him.

For three and a half years, Elijah went from one refuge to another, till eventually, God led him back to Ahab. This time, he challenged Ahab and his prophets of Baal and Ashtaroth to a duel of sorts. Two separate altars. Two sacrifices. Two oxen offered. One God would light the fires that day, and it wasn’t Baal.

Elijah prayed the following from 1 Kings 18:36-37,

“Let it be known this day that thou art God in Israel, and that I am thy servant, and that I have done all these things at thy word. Hear me, O Lord, hear me, that this people may know that thou art the Lord God, and that thou hast turned their heart back again.” (emphasis mine)

God provided the fire and the people rejoiced, shouting, “The Lord, He is God.” Elijah had the 450 prophets of Baal slain, and prayed for rain. The drought was over. But the fight continued.

Discouraged and at times, angry, Elijah had his moments of defeat. At one of his lowest, loneliest points, he said in 1 Kings 19:13-14,

“I, even I only, am left; and they seek my life, to take it away.”

Yet God answered him saying 7,000 still believed (1 Kings 19:18). He wasn’t a lone believer in an evil land, but he sure felt like it.

Where were all the other believers? Hiding in caves? Wherever they were, they were silent when Elijah needed encouragement and support. On the other hand, at least they hadn’t bowed to Baal.

So Elijah had God. I love what God did for Elijah. He provided rest and food for his man, and said,

“Arise and eat, for the journey is too great for you.” (1 Kings 19:5-7)

The journey will at times be too great for us. Along with the peaks will come the valleys. God may ask hard things of His people, be we can rest assured He’ll be helping us each step of the way.

Keep your eyes off your circumstances, off the odds, and on the Savior. His mercy and grace await.

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7 thoughts on “Elijah Days

  1. Coincidentally this was the story in Elin’s sunday school today. She was telling us all about it over Sunday lunch.

  2. It’s such an exciting story…I really got into telling it tonight at Awana’s (club for children at our church) during Council Time.

    Ann, stay tuned…I have another from the OT for later in the week! :O)

    Thanks for commenting…I feel like a blog thief, lol…I’ll be glad when MIn’s back!

  3. The story also tells us something important when we feel we are alone and isolated. In a church that may be declining and slipping into idolatry, materialism or whetever – we know that we are *not* the onle ones left! That God always has a remnant, who are pleading the promises of God.

  4. Great point, Stephen. And on the flip side, I know there are millions out there suffering for His name in myriad ways…they feel alone and need our prayers more than ever.

    I wonder how many real believers have just chosen to worship at home or in home churches (I know there’s a really big home church movement in the states). I really appreciate my church family, but do at times feel alone because of our choice to homeschool, among other things.

  5. On the other hand, deliberate isolation may lead us to a form of spiritual pride which says “I, only I am left”. I wonder whether Elijah may have had a little of this – having been blessed by God, and having served God faithfully too, maybe he did not consider that there might be other followers of the Lord, because he *wanted* to be the only one left?

    I think this is a danger of home churches. That is not to say I don’t think home churches are right – but we need to be aware, in whatever fellowship we choose to worship, that there is a danger that we think the only true believers are there! :blink:

  6. I agree whole-heartedly. I wish the home-churchers would stay in church and be lights. I do understand that the reason many people home-church with other believers isn’t because they’ve given up on corporate worship, but because they feel they can reach those in their communities better in a home-like setting.

    I wonder if Elijah was just exhausted…tired of being the only one to constantly face down Ahab and Jezebel. Wondering why he has to “do it all”? It truly takes divine help to accomplish God’s work, no wonder so many pastors/missionaries experience burn-out.

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