The Cause and Effect: Sex and Pregnancy
The past two nights Dr. Phil has featured on his show the story of a family whose fifteen year old daughter had premarital sex that …
Standing in the Gap in a Society that's Warring with God.
Those posts talking about the Pro-Life position.
The past two nights Dr. Phil has featured on his show the story of a family whose fifteen year old daughter had premarital sex that …
When it comes to sex, America is considered prudish compared to the rest of the world. The rest of the world sees itself as liberated, …
For the longest time the left has used the education system to attempt to hijack the next generation’s beliefs on numerous social issues. Using the …
A program in Greensboro, NC has added a financial incentive to keeping pure— $1 a day for ever day that they keep from getting pregnant. …
No one who is honest about what’s going on in the realm of Abortion would not admit that a lot of what is going on …
For the first time in the past 15 years that Gallup has been tracking the question, a majority of the American people have indicated that …
My first experience with the name “Kathy Ireland” wasn’t a good one. One of the guys at a place I worked had a picture of …