A Strange Turn of Events
On Monday, President Obama signed an executive order reversing President Bush’s order to not use any new lines of embryonic stem cells for research with …
Standing in the Gap in a Society that's Warring with God.
Those posts talking about the Pro-Life position.
On Monday, President Obama signed an executive order reversing President Bush’s order to not use any new lines of embryonic stem cells for research with …
That’s certainly what was on the mind of the nurse that decided when a mother birthed her child in the waiting room of an abortion …
Part of the problem with the labels that people in the abortion debate apply to themselves is that they are somewhat fluid. Not so much …
Says the person with a conflicted conscience. The society that we live in today has a problem. It is at the same time very opinionated …
In New Jersey, it depends on whether it lived outside the womb. I recent case that is drawing attention once again to this question centers …
Pro-Life causes took a hard hit last night. First, the selection of Sen. Obama means that we will have a President with a 100% approval …
There’s an argument going around that says that the pro-life cause is legislatively lost, whether it is McCain or Obama who wins the White House. …