Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming
Q has been saying that catch phrase for quite some time, but on October 31, he claimed that it was more than a catch phase. …
Standing in the Gap in a Society that's Warring with God.
Q has been saying that catch phrase for quite some time, but on October 31, he claimed that it was more than a catch phase. …
We have a big problem in our Federal Government– there’s too much power in the different branches, such that the people that serve us in …
Viva Frei talks about how the New York Times says in it’s title that there are no issues, which the whole article describes the very issues its title says aren’t there.
In a weird twist of events, it’s possible that Justice Clarence Thomas could write the opinion that gives Pres. Trump the presidency for the next …
Georgia is going ahead with a full audit/recount/recanvass all in one– all to be completed by November 20, 2020. What this means is that the …
Computer Scientists look at the data from the election and try to figure out why it looks like Trump’s votes were given to Biden in counties where there are more than 20% Straight ballot Republicans.
There’s a lot going on in Michigan… Sworn affidavits of wrong doing and a lawsuit saying that there are shenanigans afoot. Will the judge agree or throw it out? Viva Frei educates us on what’s going on.