February 15, 2025

Should the Ten Commandments Appear in US Classrooms?

The state of Louisiana is attempting to press forward with a bill to make the displaying of the Ten Commandments from Exodus 20 part of school classrooms.

Despite some concerns about its constitutional validity, Horton and Bass told committee members that they believed their proposed law would survive legal challenges. Similar attempts to enforce such displays in other states, such as Texas and South Carolina, have not succeeded in the past. However, the authors of HB 71 believe that the recent U.S. Supreme Court ruling in the Kennedy v. Bremerton case has opened new possibilities for such displays. 

Louisiana Advances Classroom Ten Commandments Display Bill Following SCOTUS Precedent

This law is an attempt to find out whether the current SCOTUS has thrown out the “Lemon” test. That test, which tried to balance the establishment of a church by Congress and the free exercise and speech requirements of the First Amendment in a way that seemed consistent, but was anything but.

I’m wondering why someone would do it, though. While commandments 5 through 10 are generally applicable to everyone, the first four are rarely talked about or discussed. No one in Louisiana is suggesting that Yaweh or Jehovah is the only God and that he should be the only one worshipped, or that his name should not be taken in vain.

The Ten Commandments are not a talisman. The Jewish people thought that the Ark of the Covenant was, and they ended up losing it to the Philistines. People need to actually want to worship and serve God, not just put things to be ignored everywhere. That’s making a god out of the Ten Commandments– which is the second commandment, is it not?

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