Roughly three months ago, Sen. McCain said that talking about Rev. Jeremiah Wright and William Ayres was off the table. Now, with twenty-four days until the election, and Gov. Palin starting it, they’re coming out with all of the associations.
And who’d want to be linked with a terrorist? Someone who thinks that they didn’t do enough bombing the Capitol?
The question is, does this line of attack really make a difference?
In my opinion, if you’ve already made up your mind for Sen. Obama, it’s just going to seem like sour grapes—mud from the guy that’s losing. If you’ve made up your mind for Sen. McCain then the attacks will seem appropriate.
I expect to hear a lot more about the Born-Alive Act as well, but I’m not sure that it will have much of an impact. Do you?
I’ve wondered the same thing…
and yet, we move at such a rapid, vicious news cycle.
Things raised to soon are able to be dealt with and pass right on by our national conciousness. I’ve heard some commentators this a.m. say that it is a sign of desperation. Maybe, if your first choice was the high road.
But just maybe it has been calculated, in order to let it remain on the front page as they pummel down the trail to the finish line.
I don’t think McCain could have picked a better pitbull to do his attacking. (Sarah.)
For me personally, it doesn’t make a difference. Actually, I don’t like it at all, regardless of which side it comes from. Not that it isn’t important – we should look at associations of our candidates and see what kind of company they keep. However, when it becomes the focus the issues get moved to the backburner, and that’s when problems arise. So they have dubious associations. OK. Let’s get back to the issues at hand.
Rachels last blog post..TILT: SinuCleanse
MIn, you asked about the Born-Alive Act. I don’t think anything will trump the financial crisis right now.