July 26, 2024

Carnival of Modesty – June 1, 2008 Edition

Beautiful Girl 7 Welcome to the June 1, 2008 edition of carnival of modesty.  Not a lot of good submissions today, so I’ll have to augment them from sites I’ve found in my travels.

Lin Burress presents You Are What You Wear: What Your Clothes Say About You.

Theresa L. Twogood presents Just What If…What Then?

Louise Manning presents Quotes about dignity.

Mama Archer presents Modesty Articles and What Do Men Consider Immodest?

A Husband presents Satisfy Your Hungry Eyes.

Jen presents Men’s eyes: looking for the opportunity to imagine.

Principled Discovery presents Marketing our youth.

Matt Ahearn presents Modest Attraction.

Cheri presents Employment – “The Next Generation” (or Why I am Having a Tirade Today”)

Mac presents Modesty – Part 7.

Miss Aniela presents Pretty ugly.

Psalm 128 presents Simply Modest.

The Villiage Idiot presents Summer is almost here, and news about dress codes.

Sonja presents Modest?

Heidi presents Weekend Worship – Modesty, Part 4.

Mrs. Hurzeler presents The Truth About Improper Clothing!

Kristie presents 20 Ways for Young Women to Claim the Respect.

Jennifer Bacak presents Modesty.

Greg presents A Disturbing Trend.

Mrs. Darling presents Modesty in young girls.

Cassandra DeBenedetto presents Chaste people have libidos?…Go figure!!!

That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of carnival of modesty using our carnival submission form. Past posts and future hosts can be found on our blog carnival index page.

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