February 13, 2025

Why Didn’t You Get Married?

There are a lot of marriages arranged between people in the U.S. and in the far easts.  It seems a common practice for a guy to want a bride from the homeland, and in the case of this Hindu family it was no different– except the wedding was called off.  The Wall Street OpinionJournal reports:

A Massachusetts Hindu family has filed suit after determining that their son’s future Indian wife wasn’t aisle-worthy. Because of her protruded teeth, bad complexion and poor English, the father of the groom, Vijai B. Pandey, is seeking $200,000 in damages from the uncle of the bride, according to WorldNetDaily. The Pandeys called off the wedding when they saw the bride during a visit to India to finalize plans. Stating that they were told she was “equally beautiful [as their son],” the Pandeys accuse the bride’s family of “fraud, conspiracy and violation of civil rights resulting in emotional distress.”

To this family, looks must be everything.  I guess that’s a good reason why you should meet the bride before finishing your plans.  One can’t fathom planning a wedding without meeting the bride.  I guess it’s possible that this was an arrangement like the arranged marriages of old, but still!

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2 thoughts on “Why Didn’t You Get Married?

  1. You know, I’m thinking that wasn’t so hot for that girl’s self esteem! Sheeesh! Asking the parents if their daughter is pretty is probably not the best way to get an answer! Aren’t daughters always beautiful to their parents?

    This is one weird story!

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