
Never Alone

A famous passage of Scripture. A famous poem. A parable and a prophet.

If there’s one thing on this earth that God wants us to know is that we are not alone. Those of us that have Jesus as our Savior have the promise that we’re never alone. We never go through trials alone. We never go through pain alone.

He was there first, and He will be there for us.


Do You Love Me?

John 21 is an interesting passage. There’s some debate as to when it takes place, but the meaning is powerful.

Jesus talks with Peter, alone, after he had denied the Lord three times. And we find Jesus asking Peter three times if he loves Him.

We know that the word for “Love” changes in each request—going from unconditional love to friendship love.

The question that I have is this—if Jesus were to ask us that question, how would we answer? If He looked in our heart, what would He see?

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